भारत में हर रोज़ 70 हज़ार बच्चे पैदा होते हैं।

जनसंख्या नियंत्रण के लिए
November 23, 2021
वोटों के लिए आबादी बढ़ते देना, सिर्फ चंद नेताओं के हक में है
November 23, 2021

भारत में हर रोज़ 70 हज़ार बच्चे पैदा होते हैं।

भारत में हर रोज़ 70 हज़ार बच्चे पैदा होते हैं।
कोई भी देश हर रोज़ 70 हज़ार नौकरियां पैदा नहीं कर सकता।
इसीलिए जरूरत है जनसंख्या नियंत्रण की।


  1. balabla says:

    Main menu

    Post navigation

    Baby Brandy Makes the Man Think

    Hi my name is Avon and I wanted to let you know that I was able to get a few things for your baby. We went to Wal-Mart and brought him a blue blanket and a rubber toy stuffed with three baby toys. I think he’s going to like those. I then went to the grocery store and got some creams for the baby and some things to eat with them.

    6add127376 balabla

  2. pepitib says:

    Just click on the icon to get started and discover what is different for you today!
    Privacy Tweaks for Chrome uses and aggregate all privacy settings in a single interface, providing you the option to control and see all changes, in real time, at any moment.
    Privacy Devs said: 
    “We want to create an ecosystem in the Web that protects the privacy of users. Privacy, after all, is not an optional feature, it’s a human right.

    6add127376 pepitib

  3. ianfint says:

    Kitchen garden aid is available to all users for free. w jednostkach narodowych, a nie pomijać żądań z tytułu wpływu walut.
    Kathy Sinnott
    na piśmie. – Moje żądanie dotyc

    6add127376 ianfint

  4. daebab says:

    NASCAR the Game for Nokia N96 is a fantastic racing game for the Symbian based device, and highly addictive too. With a lot to enjoy, this fast-paced game has players racing through a long series of challenging special events in order to succeed and become a top-ranked racer.

    Nokia N96 Autorun is a little application that enables to transfer applications via a network.
    The application supports the transfer of many types of files, including music, video,

    6add127376 daebab

  5. reilherb says:

    In this section:

    Ho Chi Minh City Medical City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Complete Health specializes in the care and treatment of patients in all areas of medical and surgical care as well as the comfort and satisfaction of patients and their families.
    [ + Read More ]


    In this section:

    Campbell, California, United States: Complete Health is currently looking for experienced GI Endoscopy Registered Nurses for our new facility in

    6add127376 reilherb

  6. niqgio says:

    It allows for simple estimation of the time and resources needed, which will be saved during the splitting process: just some additional time browsing through one or several documents, followed by inputting the number of each split or extraction and clicking the OK button for each result.
    The software offers many output folders for saving each extracted or split result.
    Effectively put together, PDF-Splitter can help users salvage those multi-page documents and even have them converted into different formats if required.
    Get a

    6add127376 niqgio

  7. nicsun says:

    DNS Lookup Tools

    Dns2Hosts – is a key for DNS host name to IP address lookup tool. With this program one can easily find IP address of any domain name. Also you can easily find domain name of given IP address.

    Net2Host – is a free web-based host name to IP address converter.
    With this tool anyone can find Host Name and IP Address at Free Web Hosting services. Also this tool can trace host name and

    6add127376 nicsun

  8. prevpasc says:

    Tabular data is all the rage, what with SAP and Excel becoming such a big part of business, representing what’s needed for an accurate audit report. However, when you need to move large amounts of data between Excel, SQL databases and the SAP application, chances are you’re gonna need a tool that can help you.

    Businesses are becoming more and more bandwidth reliant. Accessing and transferring data across machines is the root of inefficiency. Most of this content is created when

    6add127376 prevpasc

  9. hengen says:

    ■ JBoss 4.0.1 or later
    ■ MySQL 5.0.or later
    These materials will be provided:
    ■ The JBoss Microkernel (including a management module) and a sample project
    ■ A JRockit sample project
    ■ A stand alone entity method
    ■ Have the JBoss Microkernel
    Read the README file.About Me

    My name is Victoria and

    6add127376 hengen

  10. talbdarv says:

    SubmissionChamp is a web-based classified submission tool that will come to rescue to you when you need. In a matter of seconds, you will be able to upload your classified material as well as mapping easily and securely.

    First-time registration takes less than 5 seconds, you don’t have to worry about any downtime while uploading or indexing your content. In no time, you will have your own unique SubmissionChamp Account! With SubmissionChamp, you can add & sync your

    6add127376 talbdarv

  11. eifdus says:

    You are Going to Love…

    C-MOR Web Video Manager is an advanced video recording software designed especially for monitoring a number of video cameras from many connected locations. The program allows the user to remotely administer the cameras, play the recorded video and save them to a local computer as per the selectable quality of playback.


    Web based, operable remotely,

    Audio Playback feature,

    Equipped with many advanced and useful features, 05e1106874 eifdus

  12. sasswall says:

    Extremely easy to use and simple to set up – if you are only making home movies, this application is a great way to create yours.

    The product is highly customizable which includes the background color, default settings, DVD menu, adding the main menu and thumbnail background. The DVD menu contains many features such as chapters, subtitles, audio, background and so on, which can be added before burning your full length movies.
    You can easily add movie posters or photos to your videos by 05e1106874 sasswall

  13. pallzyl says:

    The Session TimeWatcher is a great tool for users to measure the duration of a user session.
    The Session TimeWatcher can help users figure out the exact duration of a user session on Windows 8, 7 or Vista. So, you must have installed a Media Playback app, like the Video Playback app. So as to start with the Session TimeWatcher, you just need to click the “Video Playback” app; once the Video Playback app launches 05e1106874 pallzyl

  14. goddjani says:

    If you are a system administrator and are concerned that some users might access inappropriate content (such as adult-oriented content), you probably considered turning to specialized software solutions.
    Single Functionality / Good Design
    When it comes to functionality, the best support provided by this application is indeed its ability to prevent other users from accessing pornographic content. This application does this by modifying the Hosts file, thus hindering your computer’s efforts to access adult-oriented content.
    Additional Features – Â 8cee70152a goddjani

  15. urzsnay says:

    Platform: WindowsQ:

    how to read a key as a string from json file

    I am trying to read a key as a string from a json file using a template literal so i can print it when debugging.
    I am using a template literal because i need to edit another part of the json file, because of this i have had to create a function that gets the json file from the browser.
    function read_json_file_as_string(buffer) 8cee70152a urzsnay

  16. queschu says:

    75260afe70 queschu

  17. fortbrie says:

    I need some cheap and affordable web service developers to develop my web application in ASP.Net C# and create a mobile application using PhoneGap. so, i need a affordable developers to develop my project. My budget is 20$/hour with 2 hrs/day. i will provide you with sample pages, Google map API, ie8, ie8.1, ie9, etc…

    hi people im looking for someone who can build me a mobile app in dot net
    99d5d0dfd0 fortbrie

  18. lavnev says:

    Graphically speaking, the user does not have to bother about what is on the screen since all the important features are already pre-created at the bottom of the interface to help the user make fast and informed decisions. A point by point guide is also available on request. Although it is not the best software for interactive work in the geospatial field, the gridding and mapping was designed with flexibility and strength in mind and for this reason the application has proved to be highly beneficial for many people
    66cf4387b8 lavnev

  19. jalhal says:

    The main goal of the app is to offer a friendly and easy to use tool to get things done. If that counts for you, this free task manager is the perfect candidate.

    The use of Google Chrome may slow down your web browsing experience. It is not recommended to rely solely on automatic updates. A speeding up of your web browser will improve the quality and speed of your browsing performance.

    If you already have Chrome, follow our step-by-step guide to remove the Google
    66cf4387b8 jalhal

  20. coludel says:

    EXERD 3.19.001b Release Notes

    eXERD is an environment independent application for building E-R Diagram. It contains the core functionality of Microsoft’s E-R modeling language. It supports forward engineering in DBMSs. It is compatible with all native databases like Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle. It also supports forward engineering in DBMSs. The great feature of eXERD is that its database specific tables and columns
    66cf4387b8 coludel

  21. piemyl says:

    Whether your operating system is Windows, Mac, or Linux, you’ve probably used an Mp3 player at some point in time.
    Most players usually either have one main panel where you can see all your audio tracks, or separate panels for playing, album art, and other features.
    If you’d want to search through thousands of songs, then most players require you to jump to the search engine.
    Of course, Mp3 is the universal file format
    66cf4387b8 piemyl

  22. cleakei says:

    At the very end of the installation, the developers of iZotope Nectar include a metering tool, a graphic equalizer as well as a level meter for the precise monitoring of sound levels during the studio work. In summary, Nectar 2 is a powerful audio editing tool that makes it possible for its users to make even the most complex audio files sound full and rich.
    The iZotope Nectar 2 in the form of a free bundle offers not just the software itself
    66cf4387b8 cleakei

  23. shacas says:

    All you need is a PC with a screen size of 1024×720 pixels or above and internet connection. This utility will download all your desired videos from the internet. You can download videos from Streaming TV and Video sites.

    The Video splitter Utility is designed to split large videos into several smaller ones, on the fly, giving you great entertainment. You can also extract many different audio formats, including MP3, AAC, AC3 etc. The program has an easy and intuitive interface. You
    ec5d62056f shacas

  24. nathhan says:


    Rare pre-Kepler GJ 861c

    by Mardi Read • September 30, 2011

    In the last decade several planets discovered by the Kepler spacecraft have been identified as having low temperatures (T < 500C); at this low temperature, many molecules will begin to depart from their typical stable states for what we might call a “super-low temperature” state. This new state of matter can be distinguished by the quality or the energy level of the
    ec5d62056f nathhan

  25. esmflor says:

    As it matters to the pictures size only, no information about picture properties including photo size, image type, added camera effect and other than this everything that touches the picture will be ignored.
    If you would like to re-size the pictures in bulk – multiple selected files- you may use the provided batch re-sizing functionality. Of course Explorer for resize picture does not have any options to change image dimensions or quality or it’s age. All operations that involve file-image modification
    ec5d62056f esmflor

  26. gretcora says:

    A light and efficient alternative
    Portable Alternate TaskManager is lightweight. The application does not occupy a substantial amount of memory, which means the operating system can reserve more for other tasks. You have to keep in mind, though, that the application is no substitute to the standard Windows task manager.
    Since Portable Alternate TaskManager compiles no code, it is not compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs. Nevertheless, it can be used on x86 systems.

    ec5d62056f gretcora

  27. winocarm says:



    Queues are a basic block for many larger companies. It also comes with challenges due to inconsistency in implementation, even if this has brought a lot of benefits to businesses. These essentially flow as queue workflows which are SPSS operations on these queues. A lot of cloud companies host these varieties of workflow since this is the easiest way to automate operations.
    One of the most important aspects you need to take into account is the
    ec5d62056f winocarm

  28. pazyban says:

    RRAV Cleaner – Window 7

    RRAV Cleaner is an intuitive program that is capable of scanning your entire system, in order to detect irregularities or errors in the registry and clean unnecessary files. The software is capable to detect broken shortcuts, as well as temporary files saved by your browser, while navigating the Internet.

    Quick error detector

    RRAV Cleaner is easy to use and allows you to view the process of system scanning in real time. The
    ec5d62056f pazyban

  29. caarmanr says:

    Requires an operational microscope (Teleziński, Motic, Wild, Axioscopie and any other operational microscope with a stage and a separate focus. Of course, you can also use the elegant ScopeMaster.

    How to use CellCounter:

    Only Dilution plate counting

    As a coarse rule, I would recommend to dilute the sample one dilution per minute. However, you should use a modern pipetter. In my experience, a lag period of about 5 minutes at the edge of the plate may occur due to the movement of cell medium.

    Electric pipette

    ec5d62056f caarmanr

  30. nicilan says:

    Rating: 3.5/5 – (2019-01-09)

    HotFM widget Proportions

    All trademarks are properties of their respective companies. All Rights Reserved.
    HOT FM WIDGET LIVE on Yahoo! is a trademark of HOT FM, who are the owners of, owned by Radio Television Perak Berhad (Ridz).using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.
    ec5d62056f nicilan

  31. gerecary says:

    Simply extract ENFALSFX.exe to a disk and you have a totally undocumented command line tool to clean up infected workstations.
    ENFALCLI also can perform basic virus scans on your computers and log results in a tab-delimited format in a file called PSURESOURCEMATCHES.TXT.ENFALSFX.EXE may be run without extracting it to a disk.
    You can start the scan with the following command from a command
    ec5d62056f gerecary

  32. jamapal says:


    Replacing gnu java with java 11

    I’m trying to replace cmake’s gnu java with the java 11 (OpenJDK) version, but I get java-11-openjdk-headless is not available
    How can I install it?


    OpenJDK is the name of the OpenJDK project, a completely independent open-source Java runtime licensed under the GPL.
    It is not in fact
    ec5d62056f jamapal

  33. wylegreg says:

    Note: In the past, there was a great threat of Internet worms using the HTTP protocol to infect your system. A recent Windows update prevented this attack by detecting the corrupted web traffic and terminating it. If you still get infected by a worm, this server also works in that situation for you.
    You should now be able to use the server. This program is developed for the express purpose of ensuring that all German computers are immune to malicious Internet activity.

    Copyright –
    ec5d62056f wylegreg

  34. farfin says:

    As the original source code, it has already implemented all of the SMART parameters and it can display basic information such as the drive’s capacity and the device manufacturer.
    The application can also protect your data by overwriting blocks of data with zeroes, to ensure that all attempts to read corrupted data fail.
    StableBit Scanner is designed to be both unobtrusive and easy-to-use.

    “StableBit Scanner is a useful tool to
    ec5d62056f farfin

  35. gabcara says:



    The Story of Amiga Games

    Created by: gaogo

    Amiga Games
    The story of Amiga Games
    Created by: ga…

    The Story of Amiga Games

    Created by: gaogo

    ec5d62056f gabcara

  36. kimaeli says:

    That said, it lacks some advanced settings, like CPU details, hardware specs, screen resolution, connection details, and so on.
    Supported Platforms
    SysFile hasn’t been tested on all Windows versions. It is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.
    SysFile 2.1.1 Alpha 1 Regresssion

    The SysFile.1.0.64bit.exe file you have requested: Windows / SysFile
    50e0806aeb kimaeli

  37. selian says:

    ■ Delphi, Object Pascal or Free Pascal of Embarcadero
    ■ KMPro 10 or higher
    ■ Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7
    Since Isometry can operate simultaneously for distinct languages, you can run it simultaneously as separate instances (some kind of workstations of the same computer).
    (One of the cells of the table of languages is set. In the other cells, the word and sentence texts are printed with their colors. )
    50e0806aeb selian

  38. gautcar says:

    If you’re using Windows 10, Quick Shutdown Menu is no longer available, as Microsoft removed this feature from its operating system.
    Help us improve this articleAdvertisementAdvertisement

    Quick Shutdown Menu in DepthQuick Shutdown Menu is an application designed to make the shutdown process much easier for PC users running Windows 8 on low-configured computers.Related ArticlesHow to Make the Hibernate Function Work in Windows How to remove a nonexistent menu from the system

    User Guide: Quick Shutdown Menu for
    50e0806aeb gautcar

  39. lavathe says:


    How to add all values to a list rather than repeating each number of time?

    I have a program that goes through and reads values from a file. I am trying to go through all of the numbers and add them into a list. The problem is that it is repeating all of the numbers rather than all of the values.
    My program so far:
    Dim firstnumber As Integer
    Dim secondnumber As Integer
    Dim fresult As Integer
    Dim finalvalue
    50e0806aeb lavathe

  40. rassas says:

    For more information about the program, you can check out the official webpage here.

    Monday, 19 February 2016

    Tabs for Publisheris a user-friendly piece of software that provides users with the possibility to open multiple documents in Microsoft Publisher and to manage them from a tabbed interface.

    It is a simple yet powerful add-in that enables users to improve their productivity through faster publication management capabilities. The tool lets users view multiple documents in the same tabbed interface, where
    50e0806aeb rassas

  41. jarquy says:


    Minikube not starting NATGRID

    I’m trying to deploy NATGRID on Minikube v1.5.0 by using the Kubernetes provider-registrar.yaml.
    The provider-registrar spins up successfully, but when I try to start the nat-grid service, it throws up the following error:

    Failed to run a single pod instance. Recommended action is to remove
    the `nat
    50e0806aeb jarquy

  42. amagari says:

    The work to make it compatible with the existing Java 6 API was motivated by limitations such as the lack of BLOB (PDF) support. For its release, LWJGL did not create a separate library, but relied heavily on interfacing with the Java Native Interface.
    JME (Java Mod-Ed). JME is the Java port of MAME, an open-source clone of the Nintendo Entertainment System. It supports all major MAME hardware components, from the CPU to the sound chip
    50e0806aeb amagari

  43. takwal says:

    The two TNSend functions that you use to start a broadcast message and
    sends a message to a group are:

    When you use this function, you are specifying the local machine’s
    domain and GUID.

    [operator], if specified, specifies the operator of the folder in
    which to broadcast the message.

    It is a required attribute. The actual value is sent as part of the
    content of the email using the accepted values of ms-object-
    50e0806aeb takwal

  44. ernogu says:

    AfterBurner is simple but very powerful application that supports editing, conversion and burning of multiple files at once.
    It doesn’t offer as many features as software in more all-encompassing solutions, but AfterBurner’s user interface is very easy to explore. The interface is very simple with tools displayed on the left side and media sources on the right.
    Technically, AfterBurner is rather basic. It only supports ole-based formats, so you
    50e0806aeb ernogu

  45. sabolaur says:

    The InputMask control works by initializing if, and setting if and –1d get and -1c sets fatesvars to the values desired which, when the control is placed on the page, means that the initializer isexecuted.The control is very robust and can be easily customized for any use by reacting appropriately to small or largercustomization.Features:
    – Completely customizable to any set of alpha-numeric characters and allows limiting any spot within themask by https://xn—-7sbbtkovddo.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/AppNanny.pdf
    50e0806aeb sabolaur

  46. paciwyn says:

    • Fairly straightforward portable tool
    • Looks good
    • Multilingual and portable
    • Create app shortcuts and groups
    • Help file in the download area has a great information on how to set up the applications
    • Seems to have no priority on readability
    • By default it will automatically associate several of the most common applications’ executables with the main icon, like Google Chrome, Firefox, iTunes and Skype

    Simply put, Starter Portable is a utility for the
    50e0806aeb paciwyn

  47. cylcarl says:

    The price of $19.95 is worth giving a shot.

    Disclaimer: The team does not recommend, approve, or endorse the appellant or its developer or any user generated content or items contained on the site.

    Now you can get your animated Halloween character, articulated characters from your favorite TV show, and talk with friends or send Halloween greetings. Cutout characters are available in over 60 unique character styles and backgrounds. Get
    50e0806aeb cylcarl

  48. naslato says:

    Its support to multiple emails format supports such as TXT, HTML, MSG, MHTML, MBOX, POP3, ACTIVE, RTF, PORT, RDS, VSD, VCF, ONIX and RAR files as well as to the POP3 mailbox without SSL, SASL, SMTP gateway, ARP, SRV, MX records and many others. This tool also supports Insecure POP3, USER, PASS, BINARY,
    50e0806aeb naslato

  49. Donate 2000 Dollars. Building a new company takes a lot of time, energy, and
    money. While we have been able to secure some funding, we are still a long way from our goal.
    We are reaching out to our potential supporters to help us close
    the gap.

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  73. Dear owner, Thanks for the well-structured and well-presented post!

  74. To the admin, You always provide helpful diagrams and illustrations.

  75. Aaron says:

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  76. Lea says:

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  78. Hi webmaster, Great job!

  79. Latonya says:

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  87. Dear admin, You always provide great examples and case studies.

  88. To the owner, You always provide great examples and real-world applications.

  89. To the administrator, Good job!

  90. Hello administrator, Your posts are always informative and up-to-date.

  91. Dear webmaster, Your posts are always well thought out.

  92. To the admin, You always provide clear explanations and step-by-step instructions.

  93. Seo Campaign says:

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  94. To the webmaster, Your posts are always well-written and easy to understand.

  95. Hi administrator, Great job!

  96. Hello administrator, Your posts are always insightful and valuable.

  97. Hello administrator, You always provide great examples and real-world applications.

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