About Tax Payers Association of Bharat (TAXAB)
Tax Payers Association of Bharat (TAXAB) is an independent advocacy group of conscious, responsible, law abiding citizens, who want to actively contribute to the nation-building process by leveraging the voice of common tax payer of the country.
As a representative body of the taxpayers, TAXAB has emerged as a powerful voice to reach out to the government with citizenship concerns in general and efficient usage of tax payer money in particular. At the core of this movement is the demand for Population control law in India.
Our members pledge their allegiance to the nation by paying their taxes on time and what we ask directly corresponds to the welfare of Taxpayers and Development of India. TAXAB believes that a conscious citizenry ought to be comprised of people who deeply care for the nation and its well-being. This implies that we lead lives in a manner that is congruent and compliant with the country’s goals. Be it environment, natural resources, education, healthcare or infrastructure, we believe, that as responsible citizens, each of us ought to take equal responsibility and ownership in order to progress as a nation.
During the last 2 years, we, the Taxpayers Association of Bharat (TAXAB) are engaged in creating awareness to raise our utmost its desired concern and apprehension over the alarming Population Growth and act as a pressure group to ensure necessary steps are taken to formulate laws for Population control in India. For that, we are running a nationwide awareness campaign focusing on the menace of the growing population of India and its ill effects and we fully devote our interests towards the welfare of Taxpayers and Development of India.
Mission Population
Population control in India from independence to nowIndia’s growth story is no doubt huge and holds merit. But it has also been severely punctuated due to resource constraints. This we believe is further accentuated by a burgeoning population crisis. Manifold increase in number of mouths to feed and lives to sustain has meant acute stress on natural resources, fractured development and a country far from realizing its potential. TAXAB believes that it is not an either/or situation. Given the mammoth proportion of the problem that stares the nation in its face, it is time to consider both options in the calibrated measure as this could have inverse implications towards the welfare of Taxpayers and Development of India. Time has passed when we would rely on just the behavior change. The problem is too huge and its consequences are potentially devastating. Against this backdrop, Taxab has taken up the cause of population control and has emerged as a significant advocacy group that not just reaches out to the masses to spread awareness about the problem we would be facing due to absence of laws for population control in India. It is time we wake up and take control, for this nation is too precious and we cannot let this gangrene in the garb of a booming population consume us.
What We Do
As an advocacy group whose cause is population control, Taxab reaches out to common man and the government in equal measure.
Awareness activities to increase awareness about the problem of an increasing population and its impact on the country’s growth and development potential are taken up periodically. The intent is to create conscious, responsible citizens who are inspired to contribute and play an active part in nation building.
Bharat4PopulationLaw is a unique signature drive that Taxab has initiated in order to encourage citizens to take a pledge about the 2 child norm. As more and more citizens join hands, we believe that this will evolve into a pressure group. Taxab hopes to reach across to the government once the campaign gathers significant momentum. Take the pledge now!
Meet our supporters – Taxab is deeply thankful to those conscious and responsible citizens who have pledged support to the Bharat2PopulationLaw initiative.